Repairmen and Deliverymen

 I am, as I have said before, not very proficient with anything pertaining to the internet. I like for my son to set it up and I go from there. I didn't bother my sweet boy this time and this is the result. Not really what I wanted it to look like, but until he comes to see me, it will suffice.

By the time I sit down with my laptop, my brain is tired. Trying to make this tiny home stretch is a challenge. The fact that HeWho is not a big help is frustrating. "Tell me what to do!" he says. I won't post my responses here, use your imagination. I do give him small tasks with specific instructions before I go about the business of unpacking boxes and wondering just where I am to put the stuff. I return to find him in his chair watching TV and playing on his phone, the task undone and still right where I left it.

He wanted slaw with fish last night. Not a big deal. The food processor is still residing under the bench seat in the RV until I can locate a place to put it, but I can just use the hand grater. Well, if I knew where it was, I could. I was tired and ill-tempered after spending a lot of my precious time trying to get a real live person to talk to at Fedex. 

There are three more boxes bearing the name "KITCHEN" on them on the porch. I chose to trek out to the RV, hoping I had put a small one in the kitchen out there. Checked the drawers, no such luck. I moved everything atop the bench seats and located the food processor but couldn't find the blades. I thought about running away, but I didn't.

Went back inside and announced that there were plenty of leftovers in the fridge and to help himself, as I would not be cooking. Other words were spoken about my frustration with his lack of ability to do anything for himself, much less for me. Took a shower and went to bed where Cujo and Martha comforted me.

About FedEx, I ordered some things for storage solutions from Walmart. I was notified that my package had been delivered via FedEx and was on my front porch next to my door. Was not. I was home all day and would have definitely seen a delivery truck, as I was outside moving things into my garden shed. I KNOW what happened, there are two other addresses with our same street number and first two words of our street name. There were delivered at one of those addresses.

Have you any idea how hard this is to explain to a "virtual" customer service representative? I kept asking for a person and kept being told I would have to supply a reason. When I would say address verification, I was told that only the shipper could change the address.

I hung up. Called back, with the same results. I went online and told FedEx that their virtual assistant was virtually useless. This action was also virtually useless. Called again and finally got a real live person. He was only marginally better as I tried to explain to him that my merchandise was probably at another address. I have more packages coming, heaven forbid they ship it all at once, and you know the same thing will happen. 

They started a "case" on the first package, and the very same man I spoke with yesterday called ME this morning to ask if I had located my package. I told him that it was his job to locate my package and deliver it, as that is what Walmart paid him (FedEx) to do. Another package was delivered yesterday, just not here at my address.

I took a different approach and sent an email to Walmart expressing my disappoint that I would no longer be able to order from them since FedEx seemed to be unable to hire drivers that will take the time to read the address properly. You would think that a different name on the mailbox might have caught the eye of a savvy (literate) driver. Maybe the recipient might have written "wrong address" and pointed out the error of the driver and left my package to be picked up. Maybe they liked the contents, having opened it and simply kept it.

Walmart has my money, I have nothing, but indigestion and it seems unlikely that I will ever receive the items I ordered. Can't go out and shop for things, as I am waiting for the washer repairman. I honestly think he would show up if I loaded all my laundry in the car and started out for the laundromat ....

The repairman showed up and actually fixed the problem. I was worried about just how they would perform the repair in my narrow hallway with the dryer sitting atop the washer. HeWho was going to fix it himself said the washer would have to come out to access the pump and pull it out to put the new one in. 

I could just imagine this procedure with HeWho at the helm. The walls would be left with scars at the very least. They pulled the entire unit forward and jacked up the washer and tilted it back. They worked from the inside. I stayed outside with my canines and sorted more boxes on the porch. I could hear HeWho shooting the breeze with the older guy who occupied my chair at the table, occasionally spitting tobacco juice in a bottle.

I planted my first tree today. Last year as the maple trees shot up and out of the ground, I put three together and braided them. I am anxious to see how it will grow. As I loaded the washer with clothes, my phone rang ...

It was my FedEx driver asking me if I got my packages. I told her that I had not and that is why I complained to FedEx. She told me she didn't know I complained, but she would go back to the house she deposited them at and bring them to me. I suppose that was better than telling me where she left them and expecting me to go retrieve my packages. Good way to meet people? Maybe. UPS delivered a package this morning with no problem.

I wonder who got the ball rolling, my complaint to FedEx, or my complaint to Walmart.


  1. WOW! Your Incredible Adventures continue! But I do Love them! Been There!

  2. I hope you start getting your deliveries! I'm also sad to hear that there was NO SLAW! I love slaw!

    1. I thought about you when he said he would like slaw! I bought a package of the pre-cut cabbage on my last trip to Walmart. I prefer to grate my own cabbage, as I like it cut up smaller, but until I finish with the great unloading of the RV .....

  3. Your complaint to WM, I'm sure. Quiz the FX driver, if you can.

    1. PS-thanks for ditching the hold on comments.

    2. I also think it was WM complaining to FedEx that prompted my package delivery. With no foliage in the trees and some handy binoculars, I could have seen the package was delivered to a neighbor and retrieved it myself! This lets me know that the FedEx driver is aware of the address, she just assumed she had the correct house number by her reasoning of how the numbers should run. We have a private drive, not the common drive to the other three addresses and the number is displayed. It will be displayed in a more "spectacular" way when I get to it!! The hold on comments was in response to my stalker posting on my other blog. I may have to restore it. We shall see ....

  4. So there isn't a "hold" on comments? I called myself commenting on yesterday's post twice. Never did see my comment posted. I said what several others said, in different words. That your new environment is beautiful. A place I think any of us would love to have. The great thing is that we get to go with you, and watch what you create. We all KNOW about the artist in you that WILL come out. Can't wait to see the maple tree. And the sewing room, and, and, and!!!

    1. No hold; will see if I need it again. I wish my old body could fulfill my wishes faster! It was too chilly yesterday to get a lot done. I want to get everything in its place before I tackle landscaping! The itch is there, though when the sun is shining!

  5. I can never get myself understood by those machines either 😊
    All you have to do is hope they get it right next time.

    1. "Virtual assistance" is sometimes useful, I suppose, but talking to a real live person is always better as far as I am concerned. It takes several steps out of solving the problem. The FedEx driver was aware of the correct street name, she just failed to see our house number since it has been unoccupied for a couple of years. I will fix the issue with that number!!

  6. I'm glad you are at least now getting the packages you ordered, but I might be inclined to avoid ordering for a while, then paint the mailbox in a very distinctive colour and ask to have future packages delivered to the "blue with gold stars" mailbox address, or whatever colour/design.
    Hooray for planting a tree!

    1. The mailboxes sit in a row at the main road. Ours is not on either end, so I think I need to cut out the silhouette of a dachshund and put it atop our box. Then another silhouette on our post that has our house number and says, "private drive". That should help visitors as well. When we were first looking for the property, GPS did not get us here. It was the sign of the little area announcing the neighborhood that I recognized from the online realtor's ad. I am addicted to bright colors, so you know it will stand out!!

  7. In my experience they often send the same delivery driver out on a route each day. I wonder if once something is successfully delivered to your house the driver will start to recognize the name/address combination.

    1. You are right, the FedEx driver is now aware of our location and Walmart will no doubt get some more orders from me!

  8. I think I'd be starting on the addition.


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