Not Remodeling, Adjusting

I can't recall if I told you all what HeWho said to me when we purchased our tiny home. He said, "NO REMODELS". I giggled inwardly. He loved the property and kept reminding me just how small it is. I would always reply that he was not to worry, that I would make it work. I did not say that we wouldn't have to make some adjustments!

The kitchen is miniscule. I failed to get a picture of the awful gold track and the opaque plastic light diffusers suspended from them. They had yellowed with age and were ugly, but worse than that they are hiding valuable storage space above the cabinets. No need to tell me I will need a step stool. I always need a lift to get to higher elevations. I have been short all my life. I am aware.

The builders felt free to poke holes and drag wires all willy nilly across the ceiling. Just look at all that space! Some baskets or bins will hold, well, it will hold whatever my heart desires. Stuff not in use every day. Cabinet space is sorely lacking. The three here on on one side of the kitchen. The other side has a small cabinet and a smaller cabinet above the stove and microwave. Might as well not be there, since the exhaust system runs through it, rendering it useless.

This is the other side. You can see part of the exhaust system on the far left. That big void is above the cabinets that face the hall in front of the fridge. They offer a whopping nine inches of shelf space. You can fit a surprising amount of canned goods and smaller boxes (cake mix size) in this area. You don't want to purchase enough groceries for a long period of time, though.

As I sit here, I am thinking of ways to make that long void usable for cookie sheets and other tall flat things like cutting boards. I will find a use for that space. Yes, I will.

 Here you have a view down the hall. I cringe at all the junk hanging on the front of the fridge. It is so untidy, so I suppose you know that HeWho is the one who put most of it there. The dog gate is at the bedroom door. I had been working in there to get the closets in some kind of order. I was taking a break to rub some Icy Hot on my aching knee. I was making much use of one of my stepstools.

This is the entire "hall". You see the washer/dryer and then a closet with a louvered door. That louvered door is directly in front of the bathroom. Upon opening that door, you will discover a full-sized dishwasher under a countertop that takes up the entire space to that door. You cannot stick the broom in that closet, the door will not close.

There is something just wrong with having the dishwasher so close to the bathroom. Other than this louvered door, all the other doors are pocket doors. The depth of the closet housing the dishwasher is 29". Being on the side the ceiling slopes down in the back and there were some really deep shelves above the dishwasher. Not practical for much, since you would not be able to see what you had on these shelves if you double stacked towels or bedsheets.

My small portable dishwasher currently sits on the deck. Hey, I can see it from here! It measures 25" deep and only 17" wide. See where I am going with this? This closet is 30" wide. If we take the dishwasher out, along with the countertop, I could have a good 12" of space on the side of the dishwasher. This is exciting! I can still have shelves above the dishwasher on the back and the side over the dishwasher and have room to put my broom, my mop and bucket and my vacuum cleaner!!


  1. You are good! You have done this for years!

    1. Right you are. I just don't seem to move as fast as I used to!

  2. It seems odd not having the dishwasher in the actual kitchen, but I guess there hadn't been one at all when the house was first built.
    I don't have one even now, many Australians still don't although far more do these days. My laundry takes up one side of my bathroom which is a pretty decent size overall.

    1. I have yet to use the dishwasher. With just two people it is not a huge chore. Only reason I even entertain putting the portable one in is because HeWho loves thought he was giving me a great gift! Best gift he ever gave me was my Eddie!


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